AIESEC life is wired, it keeps you constantly thinking about your future. Every year you have to re look your goals and values to choose the right opportunity from the thousands that AIESEC offers.
It is not even half of my time in Australia, but the applications for the MC team 08/09 are opened now! Soon we will have babys J.
Being the only international in my team I sort of feel obligated to promote this opportunity to all the international people out there. Actually obligated is not a right word, I just really want to show the world how cool is AIESEC in Australia and how much you will be missing out if you don’t consider this as one of your opportunities. So I am going to write now some of my thought, why being part of AIESEC in Australia next year would be awesome opportunity
GROWTH! – We have just conducted updated version of our Long-Term plan, because we had already hit the 2010 goals set. According to our new plan, if we achieve the goals set for this year (170 exchanges) and we will keep growing by just 16% every year, then by 2010 we will be the TOP 10 Exchange country in AIESEC. How awesome would it be to be part of Australia exactly at the moment when it breaks all the barriers and mindsets – Australia being a low performing country? How awesome would it be to be part of the team who brings AIESEC Australia back to the AIESEC map?
Membership – The membership base has grown enormously over 2 year. We have already hit far away from the membership goal set for 2010 couple of years ago. But the growth is not only in numbers but also in quality. The members in Australia hardly ever get to go to international conference, but still they are able to get equal amount of passion and AIESEC knowledge. The members of Australia are extremely smart , which makes it easy to drive the success and growth and work with the members. AIESEC Australia is really well Internationally aligned country.
Potential Coming from the 2 first factors, the potential of Australia is huge! All the relevant factors for AIESEC have a lot of potential to development in Australia. For example, Australia has about 40 universities – AIESEC is only in 16 of them – You can calculate yourself how much more growth potential is there.
So yes, being part of AIESEC Australia this year has been excellent, exciting and challenging. This year has been focusing on setting up the ground for the shooting star, approving that we can grow, changing the mindset that 2 exchange per LC is good and 20 is impossible. All of that is what makes next year really exciting and I cant wait to see the talented, smart and passionate people of next MC team that are going to achieve great things!
Take a look ate the MC video and see how cool is our MC life – we have a cool office as well :P: