Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Tõsta oma hinda tööturul

Majanduslangus ja majanduskriis on igapäevased "buzz wordid"

Kahjuks kurtmine ja vingumine ei vii meid mitte kuskile!

Reaalsus on ka see, et kvaliteetsed ja talandikaid inimesi on vaja igal ettevõttel ja neid ei lase ka keegi lahti. Seega hetkel on oluline mitte niisama istuda, masendavaid uudiseid lugeda ja kurta kuidas maailm on hukas ja elu raske vaid pigem mõelda mida saaks ära teha.
Üheks parimaks lahenduseks on rahvusvahelise kogemuse saamine. Just praegu on see õige aeg, omandada oskuseid ja kogemusi mis eristaksid sind teistest. Midagi mis tõstaks su CV esile teiste 100 seast.

Seega mine välja! Täienda ennast nt 3 kuulise majandusalase praktikaga suvel Saksamaal või saa elu muutev kogemus aasta aega Columbias inglise keelt õpetades.

vaata lisa:

Sunday, February 1, 2009

World Bank Young Professionals Program

For some time now I have been wondering what will become my new goal in life after finishing with AIESEC in June this year.

Just today I have found something that just by reading got me really excited. When people have asked me “who you want to be” or “what kind of work you want to do”, I always say, “I dont know, but if I see the right place I will recognize it”.

This one is for sure one of the "right places".
I dont know yet whether it could be over ambitious, whether it still exists once I qualify to the criteria or whether I will ever make it, but for sure it is an exiting goal to work for! And the exciting goal is the thing that keeps me motivated and focused.

The Young Professionals Program is a starting point for an exciting career in the World Bank. It is a unique opportunity for young people with a passion for international development, who have the potential to become future leaders of our institution.
The Young Professionals Program is designed for highly qualified and motivated young people skilled in areas relevant to the World Bank's operations such as economics, finance, education, public health, social sciences, engineering, urban planning, and natural resource management. In order to be competitive for this highly selective Program you must have demonstrated a commitment to development, supported by academic success, professional achievement, and potential for leadership. We value diversity in our work place, and encourage qualified men and women, including those with disabilities, with diverse professional, academic, and cultural backgrounds, to apply to the Young Professionals Program.

Read more:,,contentMDK:20519640~pagePK:64262408~piPK:64262191~theSitePK:1058433~isCURL:Y~isCURL:Y~isCURL:Y~isCURL:Y~isCURL:Y~isCURL:Y,00.html